
Si vous voulez laisser un petit message sur le livre d'or suite à une prestation de service, vous pouvez le faire en envoyant un mail à anthony.levesque at
If you want to leave a little message on the guestbook after a service, you can do so by sending a mail to anthony.levesque at
1. Posté le 30/07/2015 - 21:36 par Steve Shunk
Anthony is an outstanding guide! As a skilled biologist, he knows all the birds and best birding locations in Guadeloupe. But more importantly, Anthony is a delightful host, with a warm and fun personality. He will help you find the best places to stay and eat, as well as the best places for non-birding activities. Anthony will help you make wonderful memories of your trip to Guadeloupe.

2. Posté le 25/02/2016 - 01:13 par Laurent Sabourin
Nous avons passé une superbe journée avec Anthony. La Guadeloupe n’est pas une destination facile pour voir les oiseaux alors si vous souhaitez en voir ses spécialités, il fera son maximum pour vous les montrer. Il connait parfaitement la Guadeloupe et vous guidera dans les endroits les plus improbables dont il a le secret. Il vous donnera aussi une foule de conseils pour la suite de votre séjour. En bon naturaliste qui se respecte, Anthony a une personnalité généreuse et passionnée. Il participe grandement à la préservation de la vie sauvage. Bref, nous nous souviendrons longtemps de cette journée digne des meilleurs destinations ornithos.

3. Posté le 15/03/2016 - 01:18 par Jane Kosovsky
It was a unique and marvelous experience to bird with Anthony. He is a highly knowledgable,experienced and personable guide. We found all the endemic species with incredible ease, and having his scope was a great benefit. I especially enjoyed talking with him and hearing about his research projects, his birding background , and even his family. We had a great day and a highlight of my trip to Guadeloupe!

4. Posté le 06/07/2016 - 01:29 par Brad Andres
You will not go wrong birding with Anthony. His knowledge of birds, the island, and the culture had much to your experience. Anthony is just as good as picking out usual migrants and vagrants as knowing all the calls of the residents. Beyond the ticking, Anthony is also passionate about the conservation of Guadeloupe’s and the French Indies biodiversity. On my brief trip, I saw 12 of the 13 endemics and plenty of other great birds (as well as the Tour de Guadeloupe).
Brad Andres, National Coordinator, U. S. Shorebird

5. Posté le 06/11/2016 - 01:34 par Perrine Mignot
Nous avons passé une excellente demi-journée avec Anthony, qui a su partager sa passion et nous montrer les oiseaux endémiques de Guadeloupe ainsi que les nombreuses autres espèces que l’on trouve aux Antilles, avec dynamisme et bonne humeur. 24 espèces observées en moins de 4 heures !
L’ensemble du groupe a trouvé son compte lors de cette superbe sortie en forêt, les néophites comme les amateurs d’ornithologie, ce qui n’était pourtant pas facile à concilier ! Bravo !

6. Posté le 10/01/2017 - 01:37 par Patricia Farr
Anthony is the kind of birding guide you hope you will be lucky enough to find. He is friendly and warm as well as knowledgeable and enthusiastic, and he is a real pleasure to be around. He made a point of finding out what kind of birding would work best for my family (made up of one obsessive and two mildly interested birders). Most important, though, he knows where the birds are and he knows how to find them. I hadn’t expected to add so many birds to my life list. Our day with Anthony was a real highlight of our very enjoyable visit to Guadeloupe.

7. Posté le 15/04/2017 - 01:54 par Gail Osherenko
We had a great time birding with Anthony April 5 in Guadeloupe. We saw all the key species and the one endemic Guadeloupe woodpecker in a bird-filled morning. He provided top quality binocs to my friend (a beginning birder who is much more enthusiastic about birding after this experience). I got lots of good shots digi-scoping through his Svarovski scope. He’s a lovely, engaging, thoughtful guide as well as an obsessive (in the best way) birder. Highly recommend giving Anthony a call if you’re headed to Guadeloupe.

8. Posté le 21/12/2017 - 01:58 par Alan and Angie Locke
We had the most amazing day with Anthony. He is a fantastic guy, brilliant bird man with a wonderful ear for bird songs and calls. He was able to find a wide range of birds for us and was a delightful companion.
His enthusiasm is infectious. His breadth of knowledge is extraordinary. We would recommend Anthony 100%.

9. Posté le 29/01/2018 - 02:28 par Michael Vokes
Before my visit to Guadeloupe, I researched birding opportunities with a guide and was so very, very fortunate to find contact details for Anthony. On 15th January 2018 he collected four of us from our cruise ship and took us to several locations where he was able to point out nearly all of the species indicated on his website – the highlight being the Guadeloupe Woodpecker.. Two of our party were not previously great birding people, but Anthony’s depth of knowledge, his excellent command of English and, above all, his infectious enthusiasm made for a most memorable day for all of us. I have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending Anthony and concur with all the most favourable comments made by others on this website.

10. Posté le 19/02/2018 - 02:31 par Michael Kenfield
My wife Mary arranged a morning walk with Anthony and it was wonderful in all the ways previously mentioned and more. From the breadth and depth of his birding knowledge to the easy warmth of his personality, Anthony’s quiding qualifications are a gift anyone with even a casual interest in Guadeloupe wildlife should experience. As an avid bird photographer, I especially appreciated his phenomenal camera skills and his efforts to put me in position for favorable shots of observed species. Mary and I found a gem in Anthony and will undoubtedly ask him to guide us thru Guadeloupe’s various birding habitats whenever we visit. Mike and Mary Kenfield, Portsmouth, RI